My mission is to empower all moms to live a life of passion, financial freedom and balance in the midst of motherhood and career.

Hi, I’m Katie.

and my corporate exit goes a little something like this…

2019: Coming off two of the hardest years of my life (2018-2019), I had had two babies back to back (followed by postpartum with each one), while working for Coca-Cola, the #1 beverage company in the world. Glamorous? Not so much. I was miserable.

2020: Because God doesn’t give you more than what you can handle, insert a pandemic (and a full blown breakdown). My world was caving in and I knew something had to change. A quick “work from home job opportunities” google search led me to becoming a Virtual Assistant. I formally launched my VA business in August and became fully booked in 10 days - bringing home $1700/month working 10 hours (or less) a week.

2021: When I was consistently bringing in $3-$5K per month, I pivoted into coaching. I was on to something and I wanted to help other women create the same thing. In October, I ditched my 9-5 for good, taking my coaching business full time.

2022: I replaced 90% of my corporate salary in only one year, while working 30% less - completely from the comfort of my home, nonetheless.

2023: Will be my first 6-figure year, ever.

If I can start a successful online business with two babies under two, in the middle of a freaking pandemic - you bet your ass you can, too.

Who I am & what I believe in, at the core.

To reach your highest potential.


I am anti-hustle culture and embrace creating an aligned life for myself, my family and my clients.


Because if we are going to do it, we mine as well do it right. I believe that my desires (and yours) are on the other side of action.

To create lasting results.

Teaching you to listen to your intuition and to respond accordingly - breaking down the barriers of what society says you “should” be and celebrating the hell out of that!

To inspire and celebrate others.


How cute is my family?!

Okay, I’m a little biased, I know…BUT, come on?!

These three faces right here are my world. They are the reason I am so passionate about my business and helping other working moms to achieve the same results I have.

When you work with me, not only are you supporting my small business, but you are also supporting the family that I love oh so much.

Thank you, in advance, for choosing me. You have no idea the impact you have on our life.