I replaced 90% of my corporate salary in ONE year. And now I’m sharing exactly how I got started! 👇🏻

Launch a fully-remote, service-based business, from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere in the world 💁🏻‍♀️), while making a salary you can actually live off of without working traditional 9-5 hours.

Never sacrifice your precious family time for work, again.

Sick of working your butt off, making other people rich?


You know you want to start an online business so you can become your own boss and eventually leave your 9-5, but you don’t even know where to begin! Inside Start from Scratch, I make it so easy for you to create your own success story…from barely surviving to thriving.

Monetize your existing skillset and work with clients that are desperate to pay you what you’re worth.

Unlimited income potential from the comfort of your couch or traveling the world, bra optional.

Work as much or as little as you desire while building a career around your life and not the other way around.

START FROM SCRATCH is for the aspiring female entrepreneur who wants to stop living paycheck to paycheck and establish generational wealth for her family, without the overwhelm.

Your current income just isn’t cutting it…you know that you were made for so much more.

You want to afford nice things for yourself and your family without thinking twice about it. No more anticipating an upcoming bill that’s due or an unexpected expense. It’s time to stop checking your bank account to see if you can afford that extra (fill in the blank)…



🙅🏻‍♀️ Daily commutes to a stale office building you despise walking into every single day because surface level conversations with co-workers and customers make you want to literally poke your eyes out (“any fun plans this weekend?!” 🙄)

🙅🏻‍♀️ Your micro-managing boss that is requesting, yet again, another performance tracker to “prove” that you are actually working

🙅🏻‍♀️Pretending to get behind your company’s mission statement, purpose and values, when literally you give zero f*cks (because they aren’t aligned AT ALL)

🙅🏻‍♀️Exchanging precious family time for a company that doesn’t pay you enough money to be there or appreciate your herculean efforts (let’s be honest, you’re just another number to them)

🙅🏻‍♀️Wishing, dreaming, hoping for the day you no longer have to “work for the man” and can, instead, work at home, with babies in tow, whenever you damn well please


🥳 Slowly crawl out of bed, sit down long enough to enjoy your morning Cup of Joe☕️ and then plop down on the couch in your comfy clothes (bra and pants optional) and strike up conversations with people you actually want to be talking to

🥳 Become your own damn boss, so you never have to report to some one ever again or feel guilty about “not working hard enough”

🥳 Stand behind your own company’s mission, purpose and values full-heartedly and embody them in your day-to-day life (walk the walk, talk the talk)

🥳 Set your own schedule and your own rates, so you never have to miss out on the moments that really matter in life - work when and how you want and make as much or as little as you need to

🥳 Start building, doing, creating the dream life you can’t stop thinking about

After completing Start from Scratch, these are the types of results you can expect to see…

You shouldn’t have to choose between your family and your career

Start from Scratch is designed so that you can…

👉🏻 Maintain a full time 9-5, while making $2K-$5K on the side until you are ready to take your “little side business” full time


👉🏻 Be a loving and present stay-at-home mom, working in between nap schedules, baby snuggles and dirty laundry


👉🏻 Establish a full-time career, bringing in consistent revenue months to meet exceed your financial goals


Katie provided very real life examples and ideas that I can implement into my business right away. She provides very valuable feedback & is very sincere with her want to help.”

-Jolee K.

“Katie is awesome and really helped to streamline my path and keep my eyes on the goal. After working with her, I now have better insight as to how I should structure my services and packages….I feel worthy!”

-Melissa B.

  • “I was like a lost and lonely puppy with no direction. Katie saw the potential and confidence within me that I had since given up on, and the thought of reigniting that flame of being my own person again, and confident and fulfilled at that, with a purpose - was exciting.”

    -Paige S.

  • “The internal growth that has happened within myself has been amazing. I feel reenergized in all areas of my life! I feel a renewed passion and purpose. I'm not only mom, or a wife but now I am a business owner! I wanted to do this for me! To give myself an outlet where I could be creative and contribute monetarily to our household. It has encouraged me to dream again. I truly feel that this is just the beginning for me and I'm excited about the possibilities. I could not have done it without Katie!”

    -Stephanie S.


My FAIL-PROOF method to launch an online, service-based business, secure your first paying client and have bonus money coming into the bank in only 30 days

For aspiring online service providers: coaches, consultants, virtual assistants, online business managers and creatives


Discover which of your existing skills will make you $$$ and learn the two methods I follow to price out my offers. Inside Module 1, you will structure your packages in a way that will allow you to sell your services with ease and hit your monthly revenue goals without hesitation. I make making money a walk in the park.



Your brand is the life behind your business, it’s what you want to be known for and what your audience will remember you by. It is so much more than just a logo! Inside Module 2 you will come up with your business name (to self brand, or not to self brand, that is the question 🤔), select the physical attributes of your brand (colors, fonts, elements, logo, etc.) and fine-tune your brand voice and brand messaging (the most critical piece to your success). This section is all about VIBE and I’m here for it…are you?!



Learn how to get into the head of your ideal client so you know exactly what to say and do to close the sale. It all starts with getting crystal clear on who your ideal client actually is and conducting market research to fully understand the buying pattern of your audience. Don’t worry, if you don’t have an existing audience, I’ll teach you how to grow that, too. 😉



In this module, you will learn all the different ways to share your business with the world and the best strategy for securing your first paying client. Specifically, we will discuss where/how to reach your ideal client and the exact steps you should be following for a seamless client onboarding process. Once you have completed Module 4, you will have everything you need to officially launch 🚀 your service-based business from scratch.




✔️ You have always dreamed of starting a business and being your own boss, but you’ve never landed on “the thing” that you actually feel confident enough to sell

✔️ You are not interested in starting an Etsy shop, pushing sales through affiliate marketing or becoming a “social seller” (aka a MLM); or maybe you’ve tried these in the past and they were a complete flop 💁🏻‍♀️

✔️ You are a DIY-er and super budget conscience, you aren’t looking to spend thousands on a course or coach right now

✔️ You desire to work fully remote so that you can be home with your family and/or travel the world at your leisure, while making money

✔️ You see other women having so much success in the online space and you desperately want to create the same thing for yourself, but you are terrified of actually getting started because “there is so much competition”

✔️ You don’t believe you have the skillset, background or expertise to really make this whole “side hustle” thing work

✔️ Your calendar is already packed and you don’t have a lot of extra time to build something new; the time you do have, you want to spend on yourself.

Start from Scratch is the fast track to overcoming all your limiting beliefs and strategically building out a money makin’, cash generating biz so that you can stop living paycheck to paycheck, for good


Plus, all the EXTRA BONUSES 🤩


Get all your burning questions answered inside these live, weekly hot seat coaching sessions (4 total). Each person will have a chance to pick my brain and be coached by someone who has already paved the way. Together we will navigate your blocks and discuss your next steps.



The not-so-sexy part of entrepreneurship…This training will be the exact thing you need to overcome your fears around business legalities and taxes. You will learn about client contracts, how to structure your business (LLC or Sole Proprietorship) and how to plan for taxes so that you don’t get hit with a huge tax bill at the end of the year.



Unless you are a graphic designer by trade, Canva will be your go-to platform for all your design and marketing needs. It’s simple, easy to use and FREE (although they do have a paid version, too). Inside this training, I teach you how to setup your Canva account and give you a quick tutorial behind the scenes so you can confidently take advantage of all the features inside.



But you can get it today for just…




2 x $444

2-Month Payment Plan


Hey, girlfriend!

I’m Katie and I’m the QUEEN of turning your unique gifts and talents into a profitable online business, no matter your background, expertise or education level.

My secret?

More important than the 10+ years of experience in marketing and sales, I am a visionary. After one conversation, my mind starts to flood with all the different ways you can make money…it’s as if I can smell an opportunity a mile away.

I’m not an Instagram ‘influencer’ and I don’t have a team behind me (unless that’s your goal, then we can make that happen too) but my business always brings in sales…

Whether that’s in a high end 1:1 coaching container…

… done-for-you-services like web design, social media management or other…

… or making $1,000 off of a $37 pre-recorded workshop.

I replaced 90% of my corporate salary in one year and inside Start from Scratch I am going to share the exact roadmap to how I got started, making $3K-$5K a month while only working part time.

I can’t wait to start working with you,

xoxo, Coach Katie

Are you ready to ditch the 9-5 and have the time of your life making money that’s actually worth bragging about while calling all the shots

(when you work, how you work, who you work with, how much you make, etc.)

Alli Miller

“I loved the practical breakdowns of how to set your pricing and how to break up your time. She has set formulas to help you figure out what you should be charging to reach your goals, and then how to divide your time to make sure you're serving your clients and still growing your business.”

Aleah Vassell

“It was a really great space to get some actionable steps and help me get closer to my goals in a way that works for where I'm currently at. Breathe of fresh air to finally feel seen and get the help I've been craving for 6+ months. ”

Ashley Cason

“I am feeling elated! On cloud nine. You have shown me what it's like to dream again after being caught in the chaos of young mommy years. I am excited to grow, learn, and dream bigger than I ever have before. ”

ok, let’s recap!

📍Start From Scratch………………………………………….……(Value $1800)

📍Email Swipe Files………………………………….………………..(Value $47)

📍Business Starter Template Pack……………………………….….(Value $79)

📍Social Media Graphic Launch Pack + Swipe Copy……………….(Value $47)

📍Support via Private FB Group…………………………….……….(Value $27)

📍BONUS: 4 LIVE Hot Seat Coaching Sessions……………….….(Value $1200)

📍BONUS: Let’s Get Legal Pre-Recorded Training………………..(Value $333)

📍BONUS: Canva 101 Tutorial…………………………………...…(Value $197)

YES, You get lifetime access. SOUNDS GREAT!


But you can get it today for just…




2 x $444

2-Month Payment Plan

Answers to Your Questions

  • I recommend a minimum of 5 hours every week…1-2 hours for completing the course materials/coaching and 2-5 hours for implementation.

    Obviously the more hours you can commit, the better, but Start From Scratch is designed in a way that allows you to build a business around your life and not the other way around. You can operate as a side business while you work a 9-5, raise a family or enjoy life without the hustle.

  • Absolutely!! First off, you didn’t get this far in life with ZERO skills…you’ve got skills, girl, and it’s my job to help you find them!! Inside Start From Scratch I will help you to discover which of your existing gifts and talents can be turned into a profitable business.

    You don’t need any formal education, background or certification to make this work for you. See the next question for the three things you DO need to get started.

  • You need 3 things to start an online, service-based business:

    1) You either need the specific skill you are selling (ex: web design) OR you need the ability/desire to learn how to do it. Meaning you will get paid while you learn how to become a web designer (or any other skill you desire to learn)

    2) A computer with internet access. As a fully remote business, all your work will be completed via computer/internet, so having reliable access is crucial. If you don’t have those right now, set a goal to make it happen!

    3) Willingness to market yourself. Don’t worry about how you are going to do that (I teach you inside SFS), just focus on your willingness to get out of your comfort zone and share your business/services with the world

  • Yes! I have lots of clients that have successfully started service-based businesses without using social media. In Module 3 & 4 we talk specifically about marketing and how to share your business with the world. This includes BOTH online and offline modalities.

  • First off, I know what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck - that was me in 2020!

    Second, I offer payment plans for this exact reason! If the pay in full discount is too much for you at this time, you can take advantage of the payment plan HERE.

    And lastly, your first client alone (which I will help you secure), will pay for this program. Investing in SFS is exactly what you need to stop living paycheck to paycheck.

    Read the next question to see the exact math and your ROI!

  • Starting out, you will make anywhere from $25-$40/hour. Again, this is just STARTING OUT! The more advanced you become, the more you can make, upwards of $40-$100+/hour. Here are some general guidelines for reference:

    General Admin VA $25-$40/hour

    Bookkeeper/Speciality Service $40-65/hour

    Creative Entrepreneur $65-$100/hour

    Coaching/Consulting $100-$300+/hour

    Let’s do the math! Assuming the lowest dollar amount and time availability: $25/hour at 20 hours a month (5 hours a week) = $500 in ONE MONTH

    In Module 2, I discuss 2 different rate structures to help you meet (and exceed) your monthly revenue goals. As an entrepreneur, your income potential is uncapped!

  • Doors are open starting in June and will run through July. The next enrollment period has yet to be announced and the investment will go up.

  • You can sell anything online! Start From Scratch is designed specifically for service providers (coaches/consultants, virtual assistants, online business managers, creatives and other), but the concepts are the same regardless if you are selling a product or a service.

  • Because of all the 1:1 support and high touch service involved there’s a no refunds policy after the first call. I know these methods work. They are working for my clients, for me, and the students who have graduated from SFS in the past. With weekly check ins and daily feedback via Facebook, I make it really hard to fail. If you implement the feedback you receive during this program I know you will see results.